Selected links

General Information (from Japanese Government)

Cabinet Secretariat “COVID-19 Information and Resources” offered by Cabinet Secretariat, Japan.
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare General information to prevent and to mitigate COVID-19 spreading. How-to protect yourselves and -to behave in the era of COVID-19 are also provided.
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology MEXT has published a brochure providing an overview of MEXT’s initiatives against the COVID-19 pandemic in the field of education.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs  Border enforcement measures responded by COVID-19 are provided. Information on visa application, valid format of “Certificate of Negative Test Result” is also provided.
Ministry of the Environment Ministry of the Education, Government of Japan provides Q&As to implement countermeasures to COVID-19 in Waste Treatment and Management.
Ministry of Justice COVID-19 information site of Ministry of Justice, Japan. Information of immigration services, prejudice and discrimination caused by COVID-19 and so on are provided.


General Information (from Local government, NGOs, and universities)

WHO (World Health Organization) WHO provides official information on COVID-19 here.
WHO Coronavirus Dashboard Global COVID-19 status updated on time.
CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) COVID-19 Information and resources updated by CDC.
Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Research Center Johns Hopkins University, one of the integrative “Center of Excellence” for infectious diseases, offers various information on COVID-19.
JHU-CRC map Coronavirus Research Center of Johs Hopkins University provides comprehensive statistics of COVID-19 and the related matters.
Oxford COVID-19 Evidence Service “COVID-19 Evidence Service” of Oxford University provides rapid evidence reviews and data analysis relating to the coronavirus pandemic.
WHO Kobe Center An official subdivision of WHO offers COVID-19 information and resources specially in Japanese.
Osaka Prefecture A site specially built for COVID-19 by Osaka prefecture.