Information Hub for Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)

This site is now partly available, but some pages are still under construction. Please wait for a while till being completed. Thank you for your patient.


About this site

This web site is made by Advisory Panel of “Crisis Conference for Emerging COVID-19 (CCE-COVID), Osaka Prefecture University”. The site aims to provide necessary information specifically related to COVID-19 onto foreign students of OPU.

The site is designed for any OPU students who;

  1. have questions on COVID-19 or related matters
  2. need to know the contact information regarding their facing problems caused by COVID-19

For this, site provides several links that lead them access to appropriate web sites of their needs.


Here are listed several questions frequently asked in related to COVID-19. If you cannot find your questions in this list, please try to find it in other web sites in the “Links”.

Additionally, general FAQs about COVID-19 are not provided here, because they will be found in many other web sites prepared by governmental, public, or scientific organizations or institutions. For the selected web site, please crick here.

Necessary information for students

OPU issues official documents regarding COVID-19 in response to the status for COVID-19 spreading and governmental emergency calls. OPU students are (and will be) required to follow the instructions or guidance in order to protect themselves and their families and friends from the COVID-19-induced health and educational problems.

The selected links

Here are listed selected web sites that provide fundamental and advanced information not only about COVID-19 and related matters, such as causative virus (SARS-COV-2), symptoms, risk factors, and precautionary measures (including vaccination), but also political actions on disease prevention, restrictions on boarder control, and so on.